What a day! Taylor had an ultrasound, six therapy sessions, her tracheostomy capped, her PICC line removed, and a video call with friends. What a difference a good night of sleep makes.
Capping her tracheostomy means putting a cap on the outside of so no air flows. This causes all the air to be through the mouth and nose like normal. It is a major step to getting the tracheostomy tube removed. As a result of capping she was able to start sounding out words in speech therapy. Her first words (hi, bye, yes, no, dad, and Clair) are faint but definitely there.
A Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) line is a tube inserted into her arm that ends very close to the heart. It allows intravenous medicines to be given easily without damaging sensitive veins. She has had one of these lines in her arm for two weeks.
In the video call with friends she had a lot of fun and brought out her smile:
Later just before she went to bed I told her the story of how her brother Nathan asked his girlfriend to prom. Again she was all smiles.
I can’t describe to you how wonderful it is to see her smile. In the last week she has become completely aware of her predicament and has understandably been down about it, but she is bouncing back and enjoying life, including being her giddy/giggly happy self.
All of your positive thoughts and prayers are working!!!! Keep them coming.
I’m so happy that you’re happy, Tay!!!
It is so great to see Taylor smile.
Taylor, this is amazing. You may think sometimes: oh no it actually kind of sucks. Which would be funny and somewhat accurate but your parents are the good kind of crazy and you wowed us all but they believed all along. If I were not in michigan I would visit you with some worms to diversify your visitor group.keep kicking ass girl. <3
This is SO exciting!!!!!
Taylor, Ms. Weiss and I have been following your progress and we speak of you often. It has been very exciting to hear of your progress! Keep up the awesomeness!!!
Taylor, your progress is amazing!! Continuing to cheerlead you on and I can’t wait to hear about each day and all the new changes coming your way! Bravo bravo!!!!
<3 Taylor is amazing! Seeing that beautiful smile is just so priceless. <3 Here at Maseeh, we are all following Taylor's progress and we are so excited and so proud of her. Sending you all big hugs! Taylor is perfect 🙂
Wow! What a lovely picture of Taylor. I am inspired by how well she’s doing at the new rehab center and by hearing that she is happy. My prayers continue to flow your way!
I am glad to read about your exciting day! Sending love and support from Santa Monica.
If anyone was wondering, she laughed like this when we asked her if there were any cute boys in Denver… typical Taylor!
<3 Maseeh 1
So wonderful to hear this great news. Love and strength to you all.
I am so happy to see you smiling Taylor. I am very happy for You and Thank God for your fast recovery. Love you Taylor!!!
DearJohn, how are you? How is Kit? Taylor is doing better,thank god.
Thinking of your family every minute of the day. Love you guys and all the best to you all.
Dear Taylor, I’m so glad to hear all those good news. Keep them coming.
We love you. <3 Dalia
Taylor, your smile is so contagious and wonderful! Smiling right back at you. You’re so amazing!
Smiles are awesome. Keep up the great and hard work.
John, the progress Taylor has made in such a short time is stunning. Wow! What a beautiful photo. Thanks for sharing.
Such wonderful news! Sending applause!
So happy for all the progress you are making, Taylor. Keep up the good work! Thanks John and Kit for sharing Taylor’s successes — big and small. You are an amazing family and Taylor is Perfect!
Way to go, T-bone! That smile is so radiant! Keep up the hard work with your loving family in Colorado. We love you and are so proud of you!
My friends and family often ask about your progress, Tay, and today, instead of telling them, I sent them this page. “See for yourself!” So happy you’re making such strides! Love and miss you <3
Great news! Work hard Taylor – there will be days where you’ll be frustrated with therapy, but just keep at it. Glad you’re getting all your lines removed and hopefully that trache will be next to go. It will make talking so much easier. Hugs to you all
Taybaybay! This post was amazing. Love you tons!
This is so great to hear!!! Our happy thoughts are still going out to you Taylor!!