High Tech Implant Planned

Taylor is planning to go to University of Colorado Hospital tomorrow to have a device implanted in her chest to help her heart stay out of trouble. She will be recovering throughout the weekend then back at Craig on Monday to continue her therapy classes.

She continues to do well in her classes and we are also spending more time outside of therapy practicing basic life skills. This includes getting dressed, putting her feet on the floor to shift from her bed to her wheelchair (instead of using the lift,)  brushing her teeth, washing her face and all the other daily tasks of life.

Everything is therapy and the limiting factor is time. For instance, if we only have one hour to eat lunch, she can only practice eating for so long before we run out of time. Do we have enough time to let her practice getting dressed or washing her face? If not, then we do more of these things for her. If there is time, then we let her go to town on each task. It makes for a full day, each day. To give her some free time, we ease off all this practice in the evenings so she can chat with visitors or just spend some time listening to books. Right not Taylor is enjoying listening to “Watership Down.”

4 thoughts on “High Tech Implant Planned

  1. Good luck, Taylor! I hope everything goes well 🙂
    I got to talk to your mom a few days ago at UCLA and it was so great to see her 🙂

  2. 5/28/14

    Hi, Taylor, John, and Kit,

    Grandmother, Nancy Shaw, and I planned to visit Taylor on Friday. From your report that she will be having some implant done on Thursday, we will need to know where we are to go to visit her. If you could, give us an address for the University of Colorado Hospital – since that seems to be where she will be when we visit. If you would prefer that we do not visit because she might be too ill for such a visit, let us know. OK? If you wish, call Nancy at her home in Laramie – 307-742-7428 – or leave me an email msg by tomorrow night – 5/29/14.

    In the meantime, Good Luck, Taylor! We are all pulling for you!


    Will Bessler & Nancy Shaw

    • She will be at:
      University of Colorado Hospital – Anschutz Inpatient Pavilion
      12605 E 16th Ave
      Aurora, CO 80045

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