Well, after 11 weeks at Craig Hospital, Taylor was discharged yesterday. It certainly was a bittersweet day. Taylor made many gains while she was there. When she first arrived, she had a tracheostomy for breathing, a PEG tube for feeding, and a PIC line for medications. The most she could do was stick out her tongue for “yes,” and close her eyes for “no.” Now, she is tube and line free and can speak and have conversations. She can also sit, mostly unassisted, is getting better at standing every day, and helps her caregivers when they have to move her around. She is also learning how to walk again. With her awesome physical therapist, Taylor walked out of Craig yesterday (see video below)!
Yes, it was sad to say goodbye to the wonderful and caring staff (many of whom went out of their way to see Taylor and wish her well) because they have helped us so much. At the same time, it is wonderful to be home and be in familiar surroundings and to start the next leg of this journey.
It was so heartening to see you both, Kit and Taylor, walking in the front of the building. We are all getting accustomed to a new normal, and although difficult, one step in front of the other, even tiny steps, move us forward.
I’ve held you both in the Light , as has my Quaker meeting, and am so happy to see how far you have progressed.
WAY TO GO TAY TAY!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YA 🙂
Wonderful video and news! Welcome back home to Taylor!
Very encouraging and moved by the news. I kept reading from time to time and always wished a best outcome to Taylor, Kit and the family. This is the perfect situation for recovery and it is a wonderful and a giant step forward.
Wish you best of the best recovery!
This is fantastic!! I really hope all is going well now that Taylor is home. Just keep on shooting for the stars and remember that God is with you every step of the way to your success!
OMG, what an awesome post, video, and statement! What amazing progress and what promise for the future! This kinds of transitions are bittersweet!: with happiness about the accomplishments and sadness about leaving and loss. Thank you for sharing.
Congratulations on incredible progress and Welcome Home!! I really look forward to meeting Taylor and seeing you, my friend Kit.
Wow! Taylor, you are simply amazing and I’m so excited for you and your family to be back home. You’ve made remarkable progress and it just keeps getting better and better. You are so strong and driven and it’s just truly inspiring.
What an AMAZING video. Taylor I am so proud of you. You have already overcome so much. And it’s only been a few months.
You’ll continue to improve, especially when you get some more California sun and avocados.
Keep up the incredible work. I can’t wait to see how you get better. We love you and miss you!
Awesomeness Taylor!!!! Once again – I’m gobsmacked by your fantastic progress! I’m looking forward to seeing you here in L.A.! Westward Ho!!!!
This is just PERFECT… and only the beginning.
What a team! You and your family are in my thoughts, Kit and Taylor.
Awesome video, with the right theme music! Taylor, we are so proud of you and how hard you are working. We will miss you. Love, aunt Erika, uncle Hung, Quinn and Crispin.
Congratulations on Going Home! What wonderful news! And you walked out strong – you go girl! Each day you will get stronger. I am so proud of you.
Regards, Susan
Kit, this is great news! I’ve never known anyone who has made such dramatic improvement in such a short time after a serious accident/illness/incident as Taylor Shaw! When you get a chance, please post a mailing address for those of us who would like to send Taylor “snail mail”. I want to cheer all of you on as Taylor’s journey continues.