Pretty Face

Today, Taylor had a tracheostomy, which went very well.  She is now breathing through the “trach,” which is through a small hole in her neck, instead of through a tube down her mouth and throat.  She is still breathing with machine assistance, but if she continues to do well, she will eventually not need assistance anymore.  She also had the feeding tube moved from her nose to the PEG tube placed directly near her stomach.  Now that all the tubes and tape are off, we can finally see her pretty face.

Last night, she had quite a bit of movement over the course of the night, but none of it seemed directed.  She is also opening her eyes more and blinks, but her eyes do not appear focused.  She definitely has many wake and sleep cycles through the course of the day.  We are happy to see more activity from her.

Tomorrow, they will be transferring her to neurology ICU.  Since her cardiology and respiratory issues have been more or less addressed, she will get the special care she needs now for the neurological issues related to the ABI.

6 thoughts on “Pretty Face

  1. Love you Taylor through kyra and your remarkable parents. Keep up the good fight.

  2. Thanks for all of the updates. I agree, Taylor and her recovery are awesome, perfectly awesome!

  3. I think we need to rename the site Taylor is Awesome! As always a truly remarkable person. Continued positive thoughts from all the Binder’s.

  4. Thank you fro keeping us updated on Taylor’s perfect recovery. I love and miss her. Only positive thoughts for her perfect recovery.

    A friend of Tay’s.

  5. Kit, what a relief it must be to “finally see [Taylor’s] pretty face”! I’ll bet the neurology unit at Mass General is one of the best in the world.

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