I dislike calling the post “Frustration” today, but I also have to be truthful about how we have been feeling lately. We have been frustrated about Craig denying us access outside. (They still will not let Taylor go outside.) We have been frustrated that Taylor has to take high doses of magnesium, which is making her sick. They have put in an I.V. to deliver the magnesium intravenously, which should not make her nauseated like the oral magnesium. Yesterday, the I.V. was fine, but today Taylor said it burned when they used it. She was poked 4 times before they got another I.V. in (more frustration). The good news is that she was not nauseous today and was able to eat and attend all of her classes. She even went down to the Rec Room for an activity to make a flower arrangement (which she said was for me – very sweet).
Another piece of good news is that Craig ordered a life vest (a defibrillator built into a vest that one wears under clothes) so that Taylor can go outside and have her heart be protected. This is the only condition under which the doctors will let her go outside. The vest does not seem too bulky, but does seem a little uncomfortable. We are hoping that this can be set up soon so that we can have some outside time this weekend.